
Published Since
Psychological Research (in the Balkans) (PsyRB)
Scholarly Journal of Psychology
ISSN 2815-4797 (Print)
ISSN 2815-4800 (Online)
Psychological Research
Scholarly Journal of Psychology
ISSN 1311-4700 (Print)
ISSN 2367-4563 (Online)
Psychological Research
Scholarly Journal of Psychology
ISSN 0205-2733
Print out:
Two issues per year
Issue 1 (January - June)
Issue 2 (July - December)
BULGARIA, Sofia 1113,
Acad. Georgi Bonchev St., bld. 6, fl. 5
E-mail: psy_research@abv.bg
As of 2023, the Psychological Research (in the Balkans) Journal (PsyRB) provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
"Psychological Research (in the Balkans)" (PsyRB) is devoted to advancing psychological science by providing an international platform for timely dissemination of important research ideas and findings. The focus of the journal is psychological research in the Balkans. Diverse countries coexist in this region in terms of EU membership and religion: countries with different cultures and customs. The specific problems of studying the psychological and social factors in combination with cross-cultural research will develop the knowledge of the region.
Psychological Research (in the Balkans) (PsyRB) goes beyond its original regional focus to feature high quality articles that address issues that challenging contemporary societies worldwide. It is a general-interest journal that publishes articles demonstrating scientific excellence across the entire spectrum of psychological science, including cognitive, social, developmental, educational, industrial, organizational, and health psychology, as well as cognitive neuroscience, and other related topics. The journal welcomes submissions, including empirical research articles, short reports, reviews, meta-analyses, replications and commentaries.
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Forthcoming Articles
With the support of
under contract with NSF:
ДНП 02/38 – 28.06.2010
ДНП 03/57 – 12.12.2011
ДНП 04/29 – 11.12.2014
ДНП 05/ 14 – 20.12.2016
КП06—НП11/01 – 11.12.2018
КП -06-НП/51 – 18.12.2019
КП-06-НП2/2 – 02.12.2020
КП-06-НП3/ 68 – 18.12.2021
КП-06-НП4/45 – 05.12.2022
Current IssueVol 27, No 2 (2024)
Published November 14, 2024