Published 11/14/2024
- work stress,
- health professionals,
- coping behavior,
- emotional intelligence
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The article prezents the initial results of a conducted study aimed at tracking the relationship between coping behavior and emotional intelligence among healthcare professionals under conditions of work stress. In Bulgaria it‘s insufficiently studied among this professional group. A solid understanding of this issue is crucial for developing effective stress management programs.
Sample and Methods. An online survey was carried out through Google Forms among 127 health professionals from medical institutions in the city of Sofia in period 01.09. - 01.12.2023. The main criterion for the selection of the subjects in this study is their voluntary willingness to participate.
The following methods were used: Documentary method; Survey method; Questionnaire to assess preferred strate- gies for coping with stress - COPE Questionnaire (Carver et al., 1989); Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire Short Form (Petrdes and Furnham2001); Statistical methods.
Results. In analyzing the EI traits, which was the most significant in the selection of adaptive strategies, stand out: the sense of well-being, self-control and sociability. The initial results shows that higher emotional intelligence of medical specialists was related to adaptive stress coping strategies. The age positively correlates with the Seeking social support and Behavioral decision planning.
Conclusions. The results of a detailed study of health professionals‘ individual coping resources and the level of EI as a basis for adaptive coping with stress woud be useful to developing effective models for managing stress at the personal and organizational level among health professionals.
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