Published 11/14/2024
- clinical psychology,
- attitudes,
- medicine,
- mental health services,
- medical professionals
- health care practices. ...More
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Copyright (c) 2024 Psychological Research (in the Balkans)

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Clinical psychology provides mental health services for people of all ages and from all walks of life. Methods and techniques can vary from theory to practice. But the focus of clinical psychology is on assessing clients’ mental health through psychological assessment and testing and providing appropriate interventions. In addition to these core activities, clinical psychologists sometimes conduct research and act as consultants.
This article examines the theoretical knowledge of the subject of clinical psychology, as well as presents good practice in the field and the relationship between clinical psychology and medicine. Empirical research was conducted through a questionnaire on the topic, as well as an analysis of the research results. This article is based on publicly available information from the following types of sources: official documents, official reports, analytical literature examining the profession of clinical psychologist in medicine, as well as scientific publications on the subject. Among the methods of gathering information are a database, world institutions and academic developments in the field of emergency situations, as well as a survey conducted among medical professionals.
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- Online Resources:
- American Psychological Association. History of Psychology [online] (Retrieved from:
- American Psychological Association. Society for Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology [online] (Retrieved from:
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- Q2APA Guidelines for Evidence-Based Psychological Practice in Healthcare (2021)