Published 11/14/2024
- psychoanalysis,
- psychosis,
- theoretical rеview,
- ethical approach
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Psychoanalysis, positioned within its own history and discursive field, leaves a fundamental contribution to the scientific knowledge of various mental disorders. Among the most important goals of researchers in this field is to give specific outlines to psychosis and to answer the etiological, diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic questions surrounding it, since it is considered one of the greatest universal problems of human existence.
This paper chronologically summarizes the experience of several of the illustrious names in the field under con- sideration, with the ultimate goal of a more insightful and clear historical view of the ideas and theories over time. An important prerequisite for achieving this is not to plead in favor of one concept or another, but to place this suffering in the necessary psychodynamic context, to bring together, after all, in some order the traditional and the more contemporary categories and definitions, to make the necessary terminological clarifications, to derive multivariate possible solutions in the direction of treatment, and also acquire a standard of an ethical approach towards some marginalized groups.
Representative of the topic of the review are the works of Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler, Carl Gustav Jung, Wilhelm Reich, Jacques Lacan, Darian Leader, and some more contemporary authors, without, of course, exhausting it completely.
This paper would also be a solid and stable ground for optimizing the practical segment, which always provokes dif- ferent reactions and lively discussions.
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