Published 11/14/2024
- postpartum depression,
- mental health,
- breastfeeding,
- motherhood
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Postpartum depression is the most common mental disorder in the postnatal period and affects not only the mental health of the mother but also that of the child. There is no screening in Bulgaria and no data on what percentage of women suffer from postpartum depression. The aim of this study is to report how common it is in breastfeeding women within the first year after giving birth and whether there is a relationship between it and the independent variables of age and sex of the baby, as well age, place of residence, and educational level of the mother. A survey was conducted in Novem- ber 2023, involving women with children up to 12 months of age (n=431), 86.5% of whom were breastfeeding (n=373). The questionnaire included the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (α=.862) and questions on breastfeeding status and demographics. The analysis showed that 23.5% of women were likely to suffer from postpartum depression of varying severity (score ≥13), with 21.8% of breastfeeding women affected. The first four months are the most vulnerable for depres- sive symptoms, although symptoms are typical throughout the first year postpartum. None of the independent variables of baby‘s sex, as well age, place of residence and mother‘s education predicted the severity of postpartum depression, but the smaller the place where the mother lives, the lower the risk of postpartum depression. Early detection of depression, access to specialist help and the organization of psychological support for women in the postnatal period are important steps in caring for the mental health of mother and child.
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