Psychological Research (in the Balkans) 2024-11-14T15:33:32+02:00 Maya Open Journal Systems <section class="home-top"> <div class="top-info images-info col1"> <div id="topslideshow"> <div><img src="" alt="" width="358" height="502" /></div> <div><img src="" alt="" width="402" height="500" /></div> </div> </div> <div class="top-info col2"> <h6 class="textupper textbold">Published Since</h6> <div class="journal-div" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> <div class="textbold">Psychological Research (in the Balkans) (PsyRB)</div> <div class="textit">Scholarly Journal of Psychology</div> <div class="textbold">2023</div> <div class="textbold"> <p>ISSN 2815-4797 (Print)</p> <p>ISSN 2815-4800 (Online)</p> </div> </div> <div class="journal-div" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> <div class="textbold">Psychological Research</div> <div class="textit"><em>Scholarly Journal of Psychology</em></div> <div class="textbold">1998</div> <div class="textbold"> <p>ISSN 1311-4700 (Print)</p> <p>ISSN 2367-4563 (Online)</p> </div> </div> <div class="journal-div" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> <div class="textbold">Psychological Research</div> <div class="textit"><em>Scholarly Journal of Psychology</em></div> <div class="textbold">1987</div> <div class="textbold"> <p>ISSN 0205-2733</p> </div> </div> <div> <p class="textbold">Print out:</p> <p>Two issues per year</p> <p>Issue 1 (January - June)</p> <p>Issue 2 (July - December)</p> </div> <div> <p class="textupper textbold">PUBLISHER</p> <p class="textupper"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES</strong></a></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Institute for Population and Human Studies</strong></a></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Department of Psychology</strong></a></p> </div> <div> <p class="textupper textbold">EDITORIAL OFFICE</p> <p>BULGARIA, Sofia 1113,</p> <p>Acad. Georgi Bonchev St., bld. 6, fl. 5</p> <p>E-mail: <strong><a href=""></a></strong></p> </div> </div> <div class="top-info col3"> <p>As of 2023, the <strong>Psychological Research (in the Balkans) Journal (PsyRB)</strong> provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.</p> <p><strong>"Psychological Research (in the Balkans)" (PsyRB)</strong> is devoted to advancing psychological science by providing an international platform for timely dissemination of important research ideas and findings. The focus of the journal is psychological research in the Balkans. Diverse countries coexist in this region in terms of EU membership and religion: countries with different cultures and customs. The specific problems of studying the psychological and social factors in combination with cross-cultural research will develop the knowledge of the region.</p> <p><strong>Psychological Research (in the Balkans) (PsyRB)</strong> goes beyond its original regional focus to feature high quality articles that address issues that challenging contemporary societies worldwide. It is a general-interest journal that publishes articles demonstrating scientific excellence across the entire spectrum of psychological science, including cognitive, social, developmental, educational, industrial, organizational, and health psychology, as well as cognitive neuroscience, and other related topics. The journal welcomes submissions, including empirical research articles, short reports, reviews, meta-analyses, replications and commentaries.</p> <p class="top-links"><a class="textbold" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ERIH Plus</a> <a class="textbold" href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Google Scholar</a> <a class="textbold" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">CEEOL</a>VINITI</p> </div> </section> <section class="home-bottom"> <div class="bottom-info col1"> <h3 class="title"><span class="accent-color"><strong>Forthcoming Articles</strong></span></h3> <div class="frth-article"> <h4 class="page_title"> </h4> <div class="author-name"> </div> <div class="art-date"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bottom-info col2 text-carousel-bottom"> <p><img src="" alt="" width="250" height="70" /></p> <p><strong>With the support of<br />MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE<br />NATIONAL SCIENCE FUND<br />under contract with NSF:<br /></strong>ДНП 02/38 – 28.06.2010<br />ДНП 03/57 – 12.12.2011<br />ДНП 04/29 – 11.12.2014<br />ДНП 05/ 14 – 20.12.2016<br />КП06—НП11/01 – 11.12.2018<br />КП -06-НП/51 – 18.12.2019<br />КП-06-НП2/2 – 02.12.2020<br />КП-06-НП3/ 68 – 18.12.2021<br />КП-06-НП4/45 – 05.12.2022</p> </div> </section> DEMORALISATION AND DEMOTIVATION IN THE ORGANISATION 2024-11-14T15:25:47+02:00 Teodora Mladenova <p>This paper examines the factors contributing to demoralisation and demotivation within organisations, with a focus on how these issues impact employee performance and overall organisational success. The discussion centers on several key areas, including de-empowerment, lack of control over decisions, and the exclusion of middle management and direct supervisors from senior-level decision-making. Additionally, the financial aspects, lack of development oppor- tunities, alienation from socialisation and team ties, and insufficient management focus on team morale and cohesion are explored. These elements often compound the issue of burnout, especially when organisations focus on resilience without addressing capacity and unrealistic deadlines. By identifying these demotivating factors and their interconnections, the paper highlights how organisations can address these challenges through better engagement strategies, improved deci- sion-making processes, and a more realistic assessment of employee workloads.</p> 2024-11-14T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Psychological Research (in the Balkans) BULGARIAN ADAPTATION OF THE AUTISM SCREENING INSTRUMENT FOR ADULTS “AUTISM SPECTRUM QUO- TIENT”: PRELIMINARY DATA 2024-11-14T15:23:38+02:00 Mihaela Barokova <p>There is no publicly available information about the number of people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in Bulgaria. According to international epidemiological studies, the percentage of people who meet criteria for an official ASD diagnosis is between 1% and 2% of the population (Brugha et al., 2018; CDC, 2017). In Bulgaria, that will add up to 80 000 people. The Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ; Baron-Cohen et al., 2001) is a screening questionnaire for autism spectrum disorders in adults. The aim of the present report is to present preliminary data on the Bulgarian AQ adaptation by comparing the total scores of participants with an ASD diagnosis to the total scores of neurotypical controls.<br>The questionnaire was posted on social media, as well as sent to people receiving social services for individuals with ASD. In 2022 and 2023 the online questionnaire was filled out by 40 adults with ASD (mean age: 25,31 years; 27 male, 10 female) and 945 neurotypical adults (36,84 years; 250 male, 681 female).<br>There was a statistically significant difference in total scores between participants with ASD and those without (ASD: M=30,63 points, SD=9,08; Controls: M=22,52, SD=9,25; t(983)=5,43, p&lt;0,001).<br>The statistically higher average total score of the adults with ASD provides preliminary evidence that the Bulgarian adaptation of the AQ can distinguish between adults with ASD and those without. Similar results are reported for the adaptations of the AQ to other languages and cultures.</p> 2024-11-14T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Psychological Research (in the Balkans) POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION DURING BREASTFEEDING WITHIN A YEAR AFTER BIRTH 2024-11-14T15:21:39+02:00 Katerina Atias <p>Postpartum depression is the most common mental disorder in the postnatal period and affects not only the mental health of the mother but also that of the child. There is no screening in Bulgaria and no data on what percentage of women suffer from postpartum depression. The aim of this study is to report how common it is in breastfeeding women within the first year after giving birth and whether there is a relationship between it and the independent variables of age and sex of the baby, as well age, place of residence, and educational level of the mother. A survey was conducted in Novem- ber 2023, involving women with children up to 12 months of age (n=431), 86.5% of whom were breastfeeding (n=373). The questionnaire included the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (α=.862) and questions on breastfeeding status and demographics. The analysis showed that 23.5% of women were likely to suffer from postpartum depression of varying severity (score ≥13), with 21.8% of breastfeeding women affected. The first four months are the most vulnerable for depres- sive symptoms, although symptoms are typical throughout the first year postpartum. None of the independent variables of baby‘s sex, as well age, place of residence and mother‘s education predicted the severity of postpartum depression, but the smaller the place where the mother lives, the lower the risk of postpartum depression. Early detection of depression, access to specialist help and the organization of psychological support for women in the postnatal period are important steps in caring for the mental health of mother and child.</p> 2024-11-14T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Psychological Research (in the Balkans) REASSESSING THE BASIC QUESTION OF PSYCHOSIS AND PRESENTING A COMPLEX VISION OF THE SUFFERING THROUGH THE PRISM OF PSYCHODYNAMIC PSYCHOLOGY 2024-11-14T15:19:04+02:00 Emil Andreev Veselin Veselinov <p>Psychoanalysis, positioned within its own history and discursive field, leaves a fundamental contribution to the scientific knowledge of various mental disorders. Among the most important goals of researchers in this field is to give specific outlines to psychosis and to answer the etiological, diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic questions surrounding it, since it is considered one of the greatest universal problems of human existence.<br>This paper chronologically summarizes the experience of several of the illustrious names in the field under con- sideration, with the ultimate goal of a more insightful and clear historical view of the ideas and theories over time. An important prerequisite for achieving this is not to plead in favor of one concept or another, but to place this suffering in the necessary psychodynamic context, to bring together, after all, in some order the traditional and the more contemporary categories and definitions, to make the necessary terminological clarifications, to derive multivariate possible solutions in the direction of treatment, and also acquire a standard of an ethical approach towards some marginalized groups.<br>Representative of the topic of the review are the works of Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler, Carl Gustav Jung, Wilhelm Reich, Jacques Lacan, Darian Leader, and some more contemporary authors, without, of course, exhausting it completely.<br>This paper would also be a solid and stable ground for optimizing the practical segment, which always provokes dif- ferent reactions and lively discussions.</p> 2024-11-14T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Psychological Research (in the Balkans) SELF-ASSESSMENT OF THE HEALTH STATUS OF TEACHERS 2024-11-14T15:16:28+02:00 Irena Stoilova Milena Yancheva-Stoycheva <p>Teachers‘ health plays an essential role in achieving an effective education system. Many relation- ships with school management, students, and parents characterize the teaching profession. Thus, teachers are exposed to many risk factors related to the work process, the most prevalent being the psycho-social microcli- mate. A pilot study on teachers‘ subjective opinions of their health status showed that hearing problems were more likely to occur in teachers with more extended experience due to the high noise level in schools. The data also showed that prolonged computer use during online learning is a prerequisite for overstraining the visual analyst, as more time is required to develop lessons and learning content. There is a tendency for problems related to the vocal apparatus, such as voice strain, to be more pronounced during face-to-face training com- pared to distance training. However, data regarding complaints related to headaches and problems with the cardiovascular system are conflicting. The trend showed that musculoskeletal disorders in the lower back, neck, and wrists were more common during distance learning due to the sitting posture of the teachers. High levels of stress and increased mental workload are the most common problems among teachers. Chronic diseases such as hypertension (35.2%) and hypotension (32.6%) were found to be the most common diseases among teachers, followed by MS diseases (37.6%) and Migraine/chronic headache (29.2%). It is necessary to take adequate measures regarding the mental and physical health of persons employed in economic activity Education.</p> 2024-11-14T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Psychological Research (in the Balkans) ATTITUDES OF MEDICAL SPECIALISTS TOWARDS THE ACTIVITY OF THE CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST IN MEDICAL PRACTICE 2024-11-14T15:12:49+02:00 Tsvetelina Shopnikolova Alexandrina Vodenicharova Antoniya Yanakieva <p>Clinical psychology provides mental health services for people of all ages and from all walks of life. Methods and techniques can vary from theory to practice. But the focus of clinical psychology is on assessing clients’ mental health through psychological assessment and testing and providing appropriate interventions. In addition to these core activities, clinical psychologists sometimes conduct research and act as consultants.<br>This article examines the theoretical knowledge of the subject of clinical psychology, as well as presents good practice in the field and the relationship between clinical psychology and medicine. Empirical research was conducted through a questionnaire on the topic, as well as an analysis of the research results. This article is based on publicly available information from the following types of sources: official documents, official reports, analytical literature examining the profession of clinical psychologist in medicine, as well as scientific publications on the subject. Among the methods of gathering information are a database, world institutions and academic developments in the field of emergency situations, as well as a survey conducted among medical professionals.</p> 2024-11-14T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Psychological Research (in the Balkans) COPING BEHAVIOR AND EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AMONG HEALTH PROFESSIONALS IN THE CONTEXT OF WORK STRESS 2024-11-14T15:07:53+02:00 Nikola Georgiev Batjar Halili <p>The article prezents the initial results of a conducted study aimed at tracking the relationship between coping behavior and emotional intelligence among healthcare professionals under conditions of work stress. In Bulgaria it‘s insufficiently studied among this professional group. A solid understanding of this issue is crucial for developing effective stress management programs.<br>Sample and Methods. An online survey was carried out through Google Forms among 127 health professionals from medical institutions in the city of Sofia in period 01.09. - 01.12.2023. The main criterion for the selection of the subjects in this study is their voluntary willingness to participate.<br>The following methods were used: Documentary method; Survey method; Questionnaire to assess preferred strate- gies for coping with stress - COPE Questionnaire (Carver et al., 1989); Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire Short Form (Petrdes and Furnham2001); Statistical methods.<br>Results. In analyzing the EI traits, which was the most significant in the selection of adaptive strategies, stand out: the sense of well-being, self-control and sociability. The initial results shows that higher emotional intelligence of medical specialists was related to adaptive stress coping strategies. The age positively correlates with the Seeking social support and Behavioral decision planning.<br>Conclusions. The results of a detailed study of health professionals‘ individual coping resources and the level of EI as a basis for adaptive coping with stress woud be useful to developing effective models for managing stress at the personal and organizational level among health professionals.</p> 2024-11-14T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Psychological Research (in the Balkans) IMAGINING THE INTANGIBLE – A QUALITATIVE RESEARCH REPORT ON THE SUBJECTIVE EXPERIENCE IN FANTASY 2024-10-25T14:54:11+03:00 Yana Petrova <p>Defining fantasy within the scope of psychological literature poses considerable challenges. Conceptualiza- tion of fantasy is often inconsistent and restricted to research goals. Fantasy denotes imaginative activity, engagement in mental imageries, mental stimulations and inner representations as well as products of the imaginations such as new ideas, forms and solutions. Fantasy proneness outlines individual differences in inclination to imaginative activity. The present study introduces an approach to fantasy as a structure of perceived meaning, phenomenological experience and motivation in imaginative activity.</p> <p>The paper reports findings from a qualitative analysis on the perception of fantasy and fantasizing conducted for the first time in Bulgarian. A semi-structured interview was employed for the purpose of the study. Twenty-seven participants between 21 and 74 years old were interviewed, that includes 11 men, 15 females, and one boy at the age of 7. Survey data reports fantasy as a universal experiential phenomenon perceived in the domain of the unattainable in reality. A central role of desire emerges as a fundamental source of fantasizing and as a purpose of fantasy. Notable variations exist in the perspectives of experiencing fantasy (active and passive). Critical assessment of experiences in fantasy is consistently reported across all responses. Fantasizing is conceived as an intimate perception of particular themes. The study shows words and phrases related to fantasy and reports intended meanings, perceived significance and purposes of imaginative activity. Research findings support scientific efforts in building a testable model on the structure of fantasy and the pur- poses of imaginative activity in life and mental functioning.</p> 2024-10-25T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Psychological Research (in the Balkans) RELIGIOUS ORIENTATION, CONSTRUCTIVE THINKING AND PERCEIVED STRESS – GENDER DIFFERENCES IN SAMPLE OF BULGARIAN RELIGIOUS INDIVIDUALS 2024-10-25T14:50:09+03:00 Maria Ivanova <p>There is a lot of evidence about gender differences in religious orientation, constructive thinking and perceived stress. Females are considered more religious than men, prone to different constructive and non-constructive thinking style and coping and perceive more stress. There is no research exploring gender differences in the relationship between religious orientation, constructive thinking and perceived stress in religious groups. The present paper tested these variables on a sample of Bulgarian religious individuals and found gender differences in predictors of perceived stress - Religiosity as end, Religiosity as quest, Emotional coping, and Personal Superstitious Beliefs.</p> 2024-10-25T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Psychological Research (in the Balkans) NARCISSISM, SELF-ESTEEM AND FRIENDSHIP DYNAMICS MEDIATED THROUGH EMOTIONS ON SOCIAL MEDIA: A NEW THEORETICAL MODEL 2024-10-25T14:48:10+03:00 Polimira Miteva <p>The significance of social networking sites in daily informal communications is undeniable, as they serve as the primary tool for information transfer for many individuals. Additionally, social media is recognized as a breeding ground for narcissistic behavior and a platform for social comparisons. This environment, characterized by concentrated, often real-time communication, frequent displays of narcissistic behavior, and low levels of self-esteem, has the potential to cre- ate negative attitudes and emotions, thereby affecting friendships. Emotions expressed on social media have been shown to lead to offline behaviors such as conflicts, stalking, and rapprochement. Given the unique communicative environment of social networking sites, we explore their effects on friendships by designing a theoretical model that examines the in- terdependence of narcissism, self-esteem, friendship quality, and closeness between friends. We also propose a plan for further empirical testing of this model.</p> 2024-10-25T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Psychological Research (in the Balkans)