Aims & Scope

Psychological Research (in the Balkans) (PsyRB) journal is an academic journal in psychology with a strictly scientific character issued in Bulgaria. PsyRB is a free online peer-reviewed journal and publishes its papers in English. Regarding the publishing strategy, the editorial board strives to include different levels of research interests – theoretical analysis, experimental and empirical research, design and development of psychological methods, studies with practical character, and more.

PsyRB is meant to facilitate communication between psychologists, and to give them access to high-quality professional information, thus fostering the scientific psychological community in the Balkans, in Europe, and worldwide. Although primarily targeted at the European public, PsyRB gladly hosts contributions from psychologists irrespective of their geographical location. The main goal of the journal is to create an environment for sharing original highquality research in the field of psychology in order to achieve:  1. Presentation of the psychological dimensions specific to the Balkan countries, as well as paying special attention to cross-cultural research in the region; 2. Creating a meeting environment for researchers from outside the region to outline a wider and more diverse range of research. The sought-after result of the journal’s editorial board is to connect and build a bridge between researchers in the Balkan region and researchers worldwide.

Editorials are usually invited and they showcase the views of either distinguished scholars or young researchers about topical issues for the psychological community.

We welcome research using quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods that make clear contribution to knowledge and/or practice; articles relying on original and creative approaches to a wide range of psychology themes, having at their core the proposal of new concepts, theories or models; critical analyses of existing scientific psychology literature offering an original perspective on already validated and accepted theories, concepts or models. Book Reviews – this section includes reviews of recent books on any topic within psychology (and related fields). Members outside of the editorial team are also invited to submit book reviews for publication.

You are, therefore, invited to submit an article following the instructions and requirements presented in the section  AUTHOR GUIDELINES.

We welcome any suggestion or recommendation that you think could help us improve either the structure or the content of PsyRB.

We also encourage you to comment on specific articles and offer us feedback on the issues they address. In order to post your comments, please send them by email to  in case they are larger than 250 words. The editor’s decision is final.