Author Guidelines

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PsyRB is published two times a year: Issue 1 (January-June); Issue 2 (July – December).

In case there are scientific forums, a third additional book is published in the corresponding year, containing the full text of the more significant reports.

Articles can be submitted at any time and the review process (double-blind peer review) lasts on average 3 months.

We welcome research using quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods that make clear contribution to knowledge and/or practice; articles relying on original and creative approaches to a wide range of psychology themes, having at their core the proposal of new concepts, theories or models; critical analyses of existing scientific psychology literature offering an original perspective on already validated and accepted theories, concepts or models. Book Reviews – this section includes reviews of recent books on any topic within psychology (and related fields).

Papers will be evaluated by the Editorial Board in terms of scientific merit, readability, and interest to a general readership.

Articles should be written in proficient English and they are expected to be logical, well-organized, and concise. If English is not your native language, please consider using the services of an editor.

Articles: not to exceed 60 000 characters with blank spaces. Exceptions will only be granted in case of extraordinary manuscripts, e. g. featuring multiple studies.

The files should be in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx).

Abstract - maximum 250 words

Keywords - maximum of 5 words

About the authors - Only in the Cover letter, a short biographical statement should be inserted. No more than one paragraph for each author stating the current position or occupation and research interest.

In the draft of the manuscript, it is not allowed any kind of revealing the author`s anonymity.

Text formatting:
Font: Times New Roman;
Font size: 10;
Line spacing: Single;
First line: 0, 5 cm.

Footnotes: to be numbered sequentially; should not contain tables or illustrations.

Tables - should be embedded in the text. All tables should be created as regular MS Word tables. Text in the tables should be font size 10 at minimum.

Figures - for accepted articles all figures have to be supplied as separate, high-resolution (300 ppi), print-ready files. File format: PNG.

References - according to APA style
All references should be in Latin letters. If you quote a source in Cyrillic, please translate it into English (Article title, title of monographs, and title of bookchapters should be transliterated and followed by the English translation in square brackets [ ]; title of book should also be transliterated followed by the English translation in square brackets [ ]. Please, consult the APA Style:

Please note that there is no author fee for papers published in Psychological Research (in the Balkans). As an open access journal free of charge for authors and readers PsyRB doesn’t have funds for extensive copy editing. All submitted materials have to comply with the Author Guidelines.

Submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines may be returned to authors. It is important that authors follow these guidelines closely. Publication of manuscripts is contingent on thorough proofreading and adherence to the stylistic guidelines by the author(s). Note that submissions are subject to plagiarism screening (read more). Please also see Guidelines on Publication Ethics.