Published 10/25/2024
- Digital identity,
- Political socialization,
- Generation Y,
- Generation Z
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This article explores the formation of digital identity through political socialization in Generation Y (Millen-nials) and Generation Z. As Generation Y experienced the transition from an analog to a digital world, and Generation Z has been immersed in digital technology since birth, this study examines the implications of these different contexts on identity formation. Utilizing Bourdieu's concept of habitus, the study investigates how democratization and disintermediation shape political socialization in both generations. The research focuses on the influence of family, traditional media, and digital networks in transmitting political values. Key questions addressed include the changing contexts of political socialization, the role of digital networks in the transmission of political values, and the impact of individualism and diversity in shaping political attitudes. The study highlights the importance of understanding digital media's role in contemporary political socialization, offering insights into the evolving landscape of political engagement among young people.
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