Vol. 23 No. 2 (2020)

Psychophysiological bases in the activity of the operator

Published 09/10/2020


  • engineering psychology,
  • work activity,
  • human-machine system,
  • psychophysiology,
  • neuroscience

How to Cite

FILIPOV, F. (2020). Psychophysiological bases in the activity of the operator. Psychological Research (in the Balkans), 23(2). Retrieved from https://journalofpsychology.org/index.php/1/article/view/55


Engineering psychology is a sub-discipline of psychology and in particular of applied psychology. Its uniqueness to other similar sciences about the human factor is formed because of the fact that it uses as a theoretical basis the principles of brainwork, ways of processing information and related behavior. The results of psychophysiological researches are used in engineering psychology to optimize human activity in human-machine systemsas well as in ergonomics when designing new technical tools and technologies. Implementing the achievements of the neuroscience allowsthe properly designedautomated technological systems to become effective and reliable. The psychophysiological “portrait” of the operator ismulticomponent characteristic, consisting of many physiological and psychological parameters. These characteristics can be divided into two groups: dynamic, which vary in the process of work activity, and static, uniting the inherent personality traits of the person.


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