Vol. 26 No. 2 (2023)


Published 06/28/2023


  • digital transformation,
  • ICT,
  • migration process,
  • migrants,
  • technology,
  • Lithuania
  • ...More

How to Cite

Olusegun, J., & Mamaiev Adebayo Ahmed Olanrewaju, D. (2023). DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION AND EASE OF MIGRATION PROCESS (A CASE-STUDY OF LITHUANIA). Psychological Research (in the Balkans), 26(2). https://doi.org/10.7546/PsyRB.2023.26.02.06


International migration has been a significant trend in recent years. Digital transformation is regarded as a continuous process affecting virtually every area of life in societies worldwide. It has had a major impact on international migration, resulting in the emergence of a new era of interconnected migrants and digitalized migration processes. Digital transformation enables network building among migrants, making it possible to interact in a “digital space” from different geographic locations in real time. Also, through the use of digitalization, migrants can react to unexpected events such as socio-economic developments, natural disaster, climate change etc. by deciding to change the plan to migrate in terms of time and place. In this context, digital transformation has been defined as “the use of new digital technologies (social media, online information portals for migrants, job-search portals designed for migrant workers, governmental services in digital format)” to enable major migration improvements to enhance migrant workers’ experience or streamline the migration process. Taking inspiration from the new field of ICT and migration, this paper explores the migration process in Lithuania, and the role digital technologies has played to impact the ease of migration. It established a conceptual framework of digital transformation resources used by migrants during the migration process based on a literature review. Four main elements, located along two axes are included in the framework: the “host society-source society” and the “pre-migration phase-post-migration phase” axis. We conducted a survey and empirical assessment of survey results and concluded with some avenues for future research. Future work should increase the sample size for result validity.


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