Vol 26, No 2 (2023)

Issue Description


The publication of the this issue is funded by the National Science Fund of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria (КП-06-НП4/45 – 05.12.2022). The collection of papers presents conference proceedings published in the context of the Interdisciplinary Scientific Hybrid Conference with International Participation “MIGRATION, CULTURAL DIVERSITY AND LIFE PROSPECTS UNDER CONDITIONS OF GLOBAL CRISIS”, November 24-25th, 2022, Sofia, Bulgaria.

This issue is dedicated to interdisciplinary research on social inequalities, migration and mobility through the lens of both underlying and resulting complex sociopsychological and socioeconomic phenomena - determinants and consequences of migration attitudes and behaviour; ethno-cultural diversity, ethno-national and multiple identities; intergroup contacts and interethnic relations; lifestyles, living standards and life prospects of vulnerable groups, ethno-national and migrant minorities in times of crisis.

Guest Editor:
Assoc. Prof. Diana Bakalova, PhD

Table of Contents


E-Learning Reviews

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