Vol. 26 No. 3 (2023)


Published 10/24/2023


  • interpersonal acceptance,
  • learning,
  • school environment,
  • academic achievement

How to Cite

Stefanova, I. (2023). THE THEORIES OF INTERPERSONAL ACCEPTANCE IN DEVELOPING POSITIVE TEACHER-STUDENT RELATIONSHIPS. Psychological Research (in the Balkans), 26(3). https://doi.org/10.7546/PsyRB.2023.26.03.07


In recent years, Bulgaria has implemented significant changes in the educational system. Тhe volume and complexity of study material have been increased, along with changes related to law on inclusive education. All this has increased the demands on teachers and students, putting a strain on relationships in the classroom. The lack of time and the need to teach all the intended learning material push the importance of interpersonal relationships to the background in the learning process. Communication between teachers and students has become formal and informative, which is a prerequisite for students' demotivation and withdrawal from the learning process. This article provides theoretical guidance and discusses scientific research from the last six decades, emphasizing the critical role of interpersonal acceptance in educational process in building a positive and productive environment and developing personal potential. The need for research and reformulation of contemporary models of teacher-student relationships is highlighted.


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