Values of young Bulgarians in the context of emigration – a theoretical overview and a modified version of Schwartz Value Survey: Psychology in the Field of Public Safety
Published 12/01/2021
- values,
- Schwartz,
- Schwartz Value Survey
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The purpose of this article is to present the results of an empirical study of values among young Bulgarians in the age group 18-35 in the context of emigration attitudes identified among the target group. The study is a pilot study conducted in June 2021 among 79 participants and is part of a larger upcoming study of national importance. Based on the results, a modified version of the Schwartz Value Survey is proposed. For the purposes of the pilot study, 22 items were used, initially divided into 9 subscales, designed to measure the following categories of values: hedonism, achievement, self-direction, power, security, universalism, tradition, conformity and two separate neutral items. The psychometric characteristics of the modified version are very good (α = 0.867). Based on an exploratory factor analysis by the main components method and in-depth content analysis, a six-factor structure of the questionnaire is proposed with 16 statements, combined as follows: family and traditions, Protestant ethics, life pleasures, power, selfdirection, stability and equality. The modified version of the value questionnaire and the results from the study can be used in theory and in practice to identify leading value orientations of specialists in various fields in psychotherapy, counseling, business practice for staff selection and others.
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