Published 10/25/2024
- social networking sites,
- narcissism,
- self-esteem,
- friendship on social media,
- emotions
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The significance of social networking sites in daily informal communications is undeniable, as they serve as the primary tool for information transfer for many individuals. Additionally, social media is recognized as a breeding ground for narcissistic behavior and a platform for social comparisons. This environment, characterized by concentrated, often real-time communication, frequent displays of narcissistic behavior, and low levels of self-esteem, has the potential to cre- ate negative attitudes and emotions, thereby affecting friendships. Emotions expressed on social media have been shown to lead to offline behaviors such as conflicts, stalking, and rapprochement. Given the unique communicative environment of social networking sites, we explore their effects on friendships by designing a theoretical model that examines the in- terdependence of narcissism, self-esteem, friendship quality, and closeness between friends. We also propose a plan for further empirical testing of this model.
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