Vol. 24 No. 3 (2021)

Life planning and migration through the prism of calendar methods for studying social phenomena: Psychology in the Field of Public Safety

Published 12/01/2021


  • calendar methods,
  • mixed methods,
  • life planning,
  • migration

How to Cite

NACHEVA, I., & NEDEVA-ATANASOVA, V. (2021). Life planning and migration through the prism of calendar methods for studying social phenomena: Psychology in the Field of Public Safety. Psychological Research (in the Balkans), 24(3). Retrieved from https://journalofpsychology.org/index.php/1/article/view/5


The study presents a review of the scientific literature in the fields of life planning and application of calendar methods in social research. The essence and the origin of the calendar approaches are considered; an analysis of the advantages and challenges for researchers is presented. The current trends in the field are outlined, as well as recommendations for the design and procedures when working with calendars. Contribution to the field is the analysis of the applicability of calendar methods to research in the realm of migration and life planning. The connections between life planning and other constructs are traced. Special focus is put on the potential of the calendar approaches in the field of socio-psychological research and in particular in the study of psychological determinants of significant life choices.


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