Vol. 24 No. 3 (2021)

School environment and aggression in both student-classmates and student-teacher interrelations

Published 12/01/2021


  • aggression,
  • school,
  • students,
  • teachers,
  • aggression factors,
  • school environment
  • ...More

How to Cite

BAKALOVA, D., DIMITROVA, E., & NEDEVA-ATANASOVA, V. (2021). School environment and aggression in both student-classmates and student-teacher interrelations. Psychological Research (in the Balkans), 24(3), 12. Retrieved from https://journalofpsychology.org/index.php/1/article/view/9


The aim of this paper is to examine various components of school environment as a factor for manifestation of different forms of aggression in Bulgarian schools. The acts of aggression have been examined in view of both students and teachers, in the perspective of the interrelations: student-classmates, student-teachers and teachers-students, and also in terms of perceived (in) security of the students at school. The study was carried out in December 2017among 992 students and 115 teachers at 18 primary and secondary schools in 6 Bulgarian towns from different regions of the country. Two structured questionnaires have been developed and used – one for students and one for teachers. The findings show that worsening of interpersonal relations with classmates and teachers, as well as perceived insecurity at school, are associated with more frequent and heavier acts of aggression. In view of both students and teachers, the most widespread form of aggression in the interpersonal relations with classmates and teachers is the verbal one. Some gender differences in aggression were also found.


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