Vol. 23 No. 2 (2020)

Gender differences and personality efects on adolescent self-esteem

Published 09/10/2020


  • self-esteem,
  • adolescence,
  • gender,
  • ego state,
  • life positions

How to Cite

BEKIR, S., & TAIR, E. (2020). Gender differences and personality efects on adolescent self-esteem. Psychological Research (in the Balkans), 23(2). Retrieved from https://journalofpsychology.org/index.php/1/article/view/52


The article presents a research results of the influence of ego states, life positions and parental education on the self-esteem of adolescent girls and boys. The sample includes 339 adolescents from 13 to 15 years. The results present significant differences in the ego states and self-esteem of the adolescents. In particular, the Nurturing Parent ego state is leading among girls, and the Natural Child ego state dominates among boys, while the life position „I am OK, you are OK“ is leading among both genders. Girl‘s selfesteem is influenced by characteristics such as concern, responsiveness, dependence, resourcefulness and adaptability, while by boys have a stronger effect characteristics such as critical thinking, competitiveness, overestimation of their own abilities, energy and impulsiveness. The self-esteem of the girls and boys involved in the study is rather average, as the higher education of the father determines the higher selfesteem of the adolescents. The results indicate that the Nurturing Parent and Adapted Child ego states, along with the fathers education, have a stronger effect on girl‘s self-esteem. For the boy‘s self-esteem, the life positions „I‘m OK, you are not OK“ and „I‘m not OK, you are not OK“ have more significant effect, along with the father‘s education. The established influence of different characteristics on the self-esteem of girls and boys and the importance of the father‘s education can be useful in the implementation of programs for personal development and acquisition of social skills by adolescents.


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